Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Lazy Conclusion to a Fun Weekend.

Haaaaaaaaaah. Would you like to know how I've spent my day? Well, last night I slept over at my friend's house and we stayed up talking till 4 or so, so I guess that counts as today.... anyway. After returning home and showering, I've spent all of today until about five minutes ago cleaning out my room. Oh yes. And now I feel all light and refreshed (lol, refreshed) from throwing out so much junk. It's really sad how much crap I hoard. I'm afraid I'll grow up to be like that lady who was on Oprah that one time, who had like two hundred tons of crap in her house. I'm lazy, but maybe I'll find a link to something about it later. It was pretty gross.

Anyway. I'm happy to report that I've already recieved an early Christmas present: this jacketlike object in black. (Don't worry, I got it at Century 21 so it wasn't $130 like it is on UO.)

Yaaaayyyy! I have to admit that I really like the brown, but I couldn't find that one at the store, and there was no grey in my size. But I already have a grey jacket and black goes with everything, you know? Well, I'm glad because I've been really really in need of a new hoodie [I know this doesn't have a hood. Shuttup!]. SOyeah.
I have no idea why I just told you that, but I did. Meh.

Well, how was your weekend, blogging world? Mine was pretty funnnn. I wish it wasn't ending, though. Sigh, another week of school. Well, wish me luck waking up at 6:05 tomorrow.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hard to Notice What Is Passing With Eyes Lowered.

Oh, I apologize for the lack of posts this week or so. If there is anyone to apologize to, because as far as I know no one reads this. I guess it takes a while to gain any amount of internet popularity...however, I don't know what about this blog would attract such popularity anyway. Well, if you're reading this, I guess someone is, right? I just enjoy putting my random thoughts into the internet. The internet is great, you know? I never get over just how awesome it is. [Wow, I must sound like a wierd hillbilly who just discovered computers. Well, I'm not.] 'Cause you can hide in the internet, but at the same time show yourself to the world, but show yourself how you want to be seen. Am I making sense? You know what, this is a pointless rant. I'll stop now.

Oh, yeah. Happy [belated] Thanksgiving and all that. Mine was pleasant, I suppose, but nothing particularly special. But now it's over, and it's officially Christmas time! Ohh yessss. Now I can finally be all obnoxiously holly-jolly and crap without feeling guilty! I am just sooo excited, Christmas is the best.

Anyway. You're probably wondering what's with my super angsty title. Wellll. I don't know. I'm just so depressingly cheesy with my teen angst and melancholy-ness and lameness and cheese. Blah. If you haven't guessed, I've got abolsutely no life. I know there's lots I should be doing, like trying to write and draw and practice piano... I'm trying to become better at artistic things so I can at least have something to call a hobby. But after school I'm just so tired and don't want to do anything. Holy muffins, I'm so lame and I hate it. Gah, I keep typing these long rants and deleting them because they're not going anywhere, but I think what I'm trying to tell myself is that I can be as lazy as I want, but if I want things to get better I need to get off my arse and do something with my life and give it meaning myself instead of waiting for someone awesome to appear and make everything happy. WHY AM I SO EFFING CHEESY. So much cheese, I'm gonna have a heart attack. Mehh.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Tall Just Like a Giraffe, You Have to Climb to Find its Head.

Good evening bloggers and haaaaappppyyyyy Friiiiiiiiday!
...You wouldn't get that unless you went to my middle school. Which you probably did not. I hope you don't go to my school, no offense or anything. What I mean is that I really just would rather not have people from school reading this just because then I would have to watch everything I said, and it would make me all self-conscious. What if I said something I didn't want people at school to know? Meh. I guess most people from school wouldn't know this was me, anyway.

Anyway. My week went by pretty fast but wasn't particularly bad, which I suppose makes it a good week. Today was a pretty good day... school was meh, goodish. I'm not going to go through everything I did today (not all that much, but still) 'cause that would be pretty boring. I will say that I spent a good portion of this evening playing Connect Four with my friend Vince who is amazing at it. I am proud to say that despite how painfully unobservant I can be, I managed to win five games. Out of like twenty. But that's beside the point. :B

I was looking through random stations on Sirius the other day, and I came across this song The Zookeeper's Boy by Mew. I gave it a listen, mostly cause I thought the name of the song had potential to be really cute, and the pokemon Mew is awesome... and I rather liked it. I suggest you go check it out, it's all cute and dreamy and poppy but not too cutesy.

I believe that's the extent of the random thoughts I've got to share for now. Wow, I'm lame.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Merry Foals Would Make A Good Indie Poppish Band Name.

Fellow bloggers, let me tell you, I am soooo happy right now! Would you like to know why? Of course you would.

I just got my braces off after I don't even know how long too long!! Yessss indeedy! Unfortunately now I have a bottom somehwhat-retainer-spparatus that tastes all gross and metally... and due to some stupidity I'm going to have to go back tomorrow to get my top retainer, which I must say I am dreading greatly. I mean, at least with braces your speech isn't messed up. Now I get to have a creepy lisp for a few months. Meh.
Anyway, on to non-orthodontics-related topics. Uhhhh.... let's see..

Oh. A pet peeve of mine: incorrect use of the word random. I must admit I am guilty (isn't everyone?) of using this word in some situations where it isn't the best word to use, but come on. Do you really need to refer to anything and everything as random? case you haven't figured it out, the answer to that one is No, you do not. Rant concluded.

It seems that I've run out of things to say.
Wow, I'm lame.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's The Second Post and I'm Outta Titles Already.

Guess what? Today's Wednesday. You probably knew that, though, didn't you?

November's almost over. Can you believe it? Fall always goes by so quickly. I guess it's because I'm not in a rut with school yet, and I LOVE autumn. I might go so far as to say it's my favorite season, and I really love all four seasons. I just love the leaves and the nice smell that makes you feel all cozy, and the weather is perfect in early fall 'cause it's pleasantly cool. Chilly enough to break out the favorite jacket, but not so cold you'll freeze without it. Sigh. Well, now that it's almost winter I guess those days are over... speaking of which, it was snowing yesterday morning! Snowing! Well, if you wanna call a few flakes swirling around snowing... but there were snowflakes. I guess it was more of a flurry...

Anyway. Today was a decent day. I've been pretty happy with my outfits these past couple days, despite the fact that I kinda resembled a street child yesterday and today my scarf probably blinded a few people. If I had a camera that wasn't broken I'd take a couple pictures and show you. Maybe I'll go get my mom's camera... Anyway. Speaking of clothing, have I mentioned that I am a clothing/shopping fashion addict? I'm a little hesitant to say fashion because I don't want to imply that I think I'm sooooooo well dressed or all trend-savvy or anything, but I do have a lot of fun being creative with clothes. Hopefully I'll get a new digital camera for Christmas and I'll be able to post my outfits every week or so.

Hmm, I seem to have forgotten what else I was going to say. That seems to be a constant problem for me.
Ah, well, if I remember, there's always the edit button... or maybe I'll just tell you next time I update.

'till then...
I don't know.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

And So, Julia Gets a New Blog.

Wellwellwell. Here I am with my not-so-snazzy [yet] new blog! I was formerly blogging on AOL RED, not that your probably ever read my blog, hehee. I stopped blogging for a while but I've missed throwing my thoughts out into the internet, so here I am. I don't really know what kind of stuff I'm going to be posting on here... probably just my rants, obsessions, and bouts of teen angst. I might post a couple of my outifts once in a while if I feel like it (I'm lazy. And I have a broken camera. D: ) but don't expect this to be a total fashion blog.

I guess I should tell you a little about myself, eh?

My name's Julia. I go by various other names on the internet, this is my current.

I don't really know what to say about myself. I don't really have any normal interests like sports or acting or playing music. I do, however, enjoy art, clothes, eating, sleeping, friends, and the interwebz. I am a loser.

Wow, this has been quite the boring post. Sorry.
Come back soon, won't you?
