Oh, I apologize for the lack of posts this week or so. If there is anyone to apologize to, because as far as I know no one reads this. I guess it takes a while to gain any amount of internet popularity...however, I don't know what about this blog would attract such popularity anyway. Well, if you're reading this, I guess
someone is, right? I just enjoy putting my random thoughts into the internet. The internet is great, you know? I never get over just how awesome it is. [Wow, I must sound like a wierd hillbilly who just discovered computers. Well, I'm not.] 'Cause you can hide in the internet, but at the same time show yourself to the world, but show yourself how you want to be seen. Am I making sense? You know what, this is a pointless rant. I'll stop now.
Oh, yeah. Happy [belated] Thanksgiving and all that. Mine was pleasant, I suppose, but nothing particularly special. But now it's over, and it's officially Christmas time! Ohh yessss. Now I can finally be all obnoxiously holly-jolly and crap without feeling guilty! I am just sooo excited, Christmas is the best.
Anyway. You're probably wondering what's with my super angsty title. Wellll. I don't know. I'm just so depressingly cheesy with my teen angst and melancholy-ness and lameness and cheese. Blah. If you haven't guessed, I've got abolsutely no life. I know there's lots I should be doing, like trying to write and draw and practice piano... I'm trying to become better at artistic things so I can at least have something to call a hobby. But after school I'm just so tired and don't want to do anything. Holy muffins, I'm so lame and I hate it. Gah, I keep typing these long rants and deleting them because they're not going anywhere, but I think what I'm trying to tell myself is that I can be as lazy as I want, but if I want things to get better I need to get off my arse and do something with my life and give it meaning myself instead of waiting for someone awesome to appear and make everything happy. WHY AM I SO EFFING CHEESY. So much cheese, I'm gonna have a heart attack. Mehh.