Anyway. I'm happy to report that I've already recieved an early Christmas present: this jacketlike object in black. (Don't worry, I got it at Century 21 so it wasn't $130 like it is on UO.)

Yaaaayyyy! I have to admit that I really like the brown, but I couldn't find that one at the store, and there was no grey in my size. But I already have a grey jacket and black goes with everything, you know? Well, I'm glad because I've been really really in need of a new hoodie [I know this doesn't have a hood. Shuttup!]. SOyeah.
I have no idea why I just told you that, but I did. Meh.
Well, how was your weekend, blogging world? Mine was pretty funnnn. I wish it wasn't ending, though. Sigh, another week of school. Well, wish me luck waking up at 6:05 tomorrow.
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