Thursday, November 20, 2008

Merry Foals Would Make A Good Indie Poppish Band Name.

Fellow bloggers, let me tell you, I am soooo happy right now! Would you like to know why? Of course you would.

I just got my braces off after I don't even know how long too long!! Yessss indeedy! Unfortunately now I have a bottom somehwhat-retainer-spparatus that tastes all gross and metally... and due to some stupidity I'm going to have to go back tomorrow to get my top retainer, which I must say I am dreading greatly. I mean, at least with braces your speech isn't messed up. Now I get to have a creepy lisp for a few months. Meh.
Anyway, on to non-orthodontics-related topics. Uhhhh.... let's see..

Oh. A pet peeve of mine: incorrect use of the word random. I must admit I am guilty (isn't everyone?) of using this word in some situations where it isn't the best word to use, but come on. Do you really need to refer to anything and everything as random? case you haven't figured it out, the answer to that one is No, you do not. Rant concluded.

It seems that I've run out of things to say.
Wow, I'm lame.


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