Today was the sort of day that makes you want to go home and sleep and not think and drown my angst in pretty things on the internet. To be honest, I've been having a lot of those days lately.
I've been taking pictures of my outfits pretty much every day before school but I'm too lazy to edit them, and besides, it's really hard to post on here because I don't have my own computer and my parents would more or less kill me if they found this.
I don't really know why I'm writing in here- just kinda feel like it, I guess. My mind is a confusing place to be. I know I had intentions of writing something but I don't really know what. I guess just rambling onto a screen helps me sort out my thoughts. Not really, though.
I don;t know what my problem is. I'm debating publishing this. I think I will, because no one reads this anyway. Gah, that sounds so bitter, but it's really no big deal to me that no one reads this. I mean it would be cool if people read this but it doesn't really bother me- there's no real content of any interest on here anyway, just a few mediocre outfits and some ramblings.
I'm going to stop now because this isn't going