Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I Think I Could Use Some Snow About Now.

A week? Without posting? I guess so. I haven't had much computer time on the last week and the little computer time I have had has been spent on Facebook [yes, I finally got one; no, I will not link you to it.].
So what's new in the life of me? Not much. At all. In fact, too little. I don't do anything worthwhile with my life and it makes it feel so pointless. I mean, I consider myself a creative person, but when was the last time I did anything creative? I don't even know. Unless you consider putting outfits together creative. I guess it depends. But anyway.
I find it hard to believe that Christmas is in just over two weeks! It actually scares me. Usually I'm looking forward to Christmas long before Thanksgiving, and I guess I have a little bit, but somehow I'm having trouble getting myself into the festive mood. This is really depressing. I'm thinking that part of it is that I'm going to Florida for Christmas, which is not wintery and has no snow or pine trees, and the knowledge that I'm not gonna get very many persents this year. Even so. What's wrong with me?

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