Yesterday was the most fun I've had in a long time. It was a day filled with sunshine, gummi bears, wood chips, and an amazing school musical. Haha that was like the cheesiest sentence ever.
ummyeah. I don't know, I'm lame.
clothes, ramblings, & teen angst.
h&m dress borrowed from a friend; Delia's tights; random shirt.
that's not even, like, half of it either- it's a really sucky picture taken a long time ago. there's all these tunnels under it and it's just the best thing ever. unfortunately there's arsenic in the wood and they'e supposed to be tearing it down this april. D: I think my friends and I should protest. Really, what's so dangerous about a little arsenic in playground wood? I mean, unless you like ate it or injected it into yourself somehow.
but what I was going to say is
awesome concert last night+awesome weather+general better-than-average mood lately+friends=HAPPY.
I haven't been this happy in a long tme and it feels a little wierd but overall great.
Hahaha. I didn't know where to start, and I suck at drawing. On Paint. With a mouse.