Sunday, March 22, 2009

let's get out of here.

this weekend went by too fast.
Yesterday was the most fun I've had in a long time. It was a day filled with sunshine, gummi bears, wood chips, and an amazing school musical. Haha that was like the cheesiest sentence ever.

wearing: my mom's old sweater, grandmother's old locket, volcom t-shirt, target shorts & tights.

ummyeah. I don't know, I'm lame.

Friday, March 20, 2009

& lately the weather has been so bipolar and consequently so have I.

on wednesday [my birthday, hehee] it was deliciously warm and sunny. And then today I wake up, look out the window, and see

ummm birthday update time?
in addition to redecorating my room [a work in progress] I got a camera, the ruffly top I'm wearing below, iTunes money, and some CDs, among a few other things. I'm really happy :D
have some pictures.

yes, a picture with my face, finally. I guess one may surface on here from time to time.
wearing free people top and vintage key on a crap chain. and probably some pants. and headphones that so don't go with this outfit :D

really sucky picture taken in a rush before school D:
wearing my mom's sweaterthing, grey t-shirt, ae shorts, target tights, f21 scarf, and sequined converse.
this lame photograph does not do that top's color justice. it is like the perfect shade of teal.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


wearing hurley coat, F21 scarf, delias pants, and grey shirt.

lame picture taken off facebook and cropped on paint D:
all my files are on some hard drive and NOT ON THE COMPUTER because it was... having issues. I'm such a spaz... we were doing an interpretive dance inspired by the nanerpus. My friends and I are going through a bit of an obsession. :D
I believe that is all, really...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

is it a wonder you're lonely;

Haro. Were you looking forward to another creepy, sucky picture? Of course you were.wearing my Lydia shirt, grey pants, UO shoes, bracelets from my grandmother.
This is a pretty lame outfit, but I love the colors in this outfit; you can't really tell what they look like from the picture though. Meh.

It may or may not have been because I was wearing my Lydia shirt today, but all day the first thirty seconds or so of this song were stuck in my head. Not even the whole song, just the beginning.

Also, this makes me want to punch someone but at the same time it kind of makes me smile- click:

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

real time is all we have.

thrifted shirt, delia's skirt, target tights, UO shoes, vintage jewels.

this is kind of a majorly lame photo, but I was in a rush to take it before my brother got home 'cause he doesn't want me to use his camera to be all "vain and emo". And yes, that big box on the dining room table is full of oranges. THERE ARE SO MANY ORANGES AT MY HOUSE.

Today I had no homework so I went to the mall with a couple of friends and bought a guys' sweatshirt for ten dollars, hehee. I don't really know what else to say. Some facebooking and web-browsing and such may bring inspiration and I'll edit this post if I can.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

yet another post lacking any substance- enjoy!

Last night, I had a dream that I was in history class, and I got called to guidance. I had no idea why so I was really nervous and when I opened the door to the guidance office it was all white and like modern, and it was a wierd little boutique with lots of plaid shirts, and I think the counselor was like, "Can I help you?". IT WAS SO WEIRD.
Meh.dLast night I set my alarm for ten so I could get some of my homework done, but I ended up waking up at eleven. Daylight savings time is so confusing D:
Today I went to Value Village with a couple friends... I'm pretty much broke so all I got was a boy's flannel shirt, but it was fun and I'm happy with it. Meh. I don't really have anything else of interest to say, and I have a headache which may or may not have resulted from staring at the computer screen for way too long, so I'll end this pointless post.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I wonder where you aaaarre... I wonder what your thoughts are.


last night I saw Lydia with Black Gold and All the Day Holiday.

IT. WAS. SO. AMAZING. I don't know what to say except it was SO AMAZING and I had SO MUCH FUN. I took some sucky pictures on my phone and if I figure out how to get them on the computer I'll post them. I didn't really know All the Day Holiday or Black Gold before, but they were both amazing and are two of my new favorite bands. Go listen!

Anyway, here's a lame picture of what I wore...I didn't have jewelry or shoes on yet but you get the idea. haha I don't want the world to see the blindingly colorful cave of knickknacks, stuffed animals, clothes and paper that is my room.

h&m dress borrowed from a friend; Delia's tights; random shirt.

on Monday we had a snow day, but today it was almost sixty degrees out... wierd, but I'm not complaining. Among other activities, I hung out at this elementary school with the best playground ever:

that's not even, like, half of it either- it's a really sucky picture taken a long time ago. there's all these tunnels under it and it's just the best thing ever. unfortunately there's arsenic in the wood and they'e supposed to be tearing it down this april. D: I think my friends and I should protest. Really, what's so dangerous about a little arsenic in playground wood? I mean, unless you like ate it or injected it into yourself somehow.

but what I was going to say is
awesome concert last night+awesome weather+general better-than-average mood lately+friends=HAPPY.
I haven't been this happy in a long tme and it feels a little wierd but overall great.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Is it creepy that I really, really want this pair of shoes intended for men? I don't even care. They are just SO COOL. I finally looked up Swear because some really cool people on Lookbook have them. And I want them. I am trying to decide if I want black or white, but I'm pretty sure I don't have to worry about that, at least for a while, because I'm a brokemuffin.

It just occurred to me that I haven't written of anything of substance. Just shoes I want and angst. I guess that's me in a nutshell. Except not really.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Misguided By The 405

SO. Bloggers, if anyone is reading this, the answer to which is most likely NO, I just wanted to apologize, to no one in particular, that I'm going to actually start writing in here for serious. And my birthdaay is March 18th [ :D ] and I'm pretty sure I'm getting a camera so from that point on I will try to post some of my outfits. Won't that be fun!

In other news, my brother told me to draw a self-portrait on Paint in thirty seconds.

Hahaha. I didn't know where to start, and I suck at drawing. On Paint. With a mouse.